Do Steroids Raise Blood Sugar

Do Steroids Raise Blood Sugar: The Ultimate Guide

Do Steroids Raise Blood Sugar. Trends That Will Be Big for Diabetics in 2024.

Do Steroids Raise Blood Sugar. A DNA Link between Diabetes and Obesity. There is no known reason for what causes diabetes. There are certainly risk factors that make the likelihood of you being diagnosed with the disease higher. One of the only risk factors that you have control over is your weight.

If you are obese, the single best thing you can do for your health and the prevention of diabetes is to lose weight. Even in small increments, when you shed pounds you are increasing your health benefits.

These may be easier said than done. There are new studies that are now showing that there is a genetic factor or mutation for people who are obese and have diabetes. This genetic malfunction affects how the bodies use energy and insulin two key elements in the functioning of your body and the cause of diabetes and obesity.

Do Steroids Raise Blood Sugar

The studies also state that this is not a cause and effect case. If you carry this defective gene you are not guaranteed to be obese or have diabetes. But the link is there and it can be prevented. You may have to work harder at it than others to maintain a healthy body weight and put off diabetes but it can be done. Discuss with your doctor options and ways to prevent or put-off the onset of diabetes.

The gene that researchers have discovered as a precursor to diabetes has been found in young children. It is scary to know that children in their preschool years are being diagnosed with obesity and type 2 diabetes due to genetics. But parents can reduce or prevent these things from happening by giving their children healthy lifestyle choices.

Now that a DNA link has been found, the research can focus on finding a way to fix or prevent this from happening at some point in the future.

Steroid Induced Diabetes

Steroids can cause insulin resistance. This means that even though your body is producing insulin, the cells are not using the insulin correctly so the sugar starts to accumulate in the blood causing high blood sugar or hyperglycemia.

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Do Steroids Raise Blood Sugar. Diabetes Care: Diet And Exercising Habits Are A Must For Diabetics

Diabetes and care there cannot be a better combination of words in the world of diabetes!

Your doctor may examine and advise you for some time on diabetes during your visits to his clinic or his visits to your residence. But you are your own doctor for 24 hours all through the months and years with diabetes. How many times a day do you contemplate about the word diabetes?

But don’t you despair. You can fight it out with proper care.

The two words that stand uppermost in diabetes care are diet and exercise! If you are disciplined in these two areas, half of your battle is won!

Be in the know that 50 to 60 percent of daily calories come from carbohydrates, 12 to 20 percent from proteins, and not more than 30 percent from fats.

Do Steroids Raise Blood Sugar

As for diet, let the balance weigh heavily in favor of fruits, vegetables and lots of fiber. More intake of fiber will help you immensely. Give up your past habit of taking heavy meals. Take in small quantities, as and when you are hungry. Extremely high or low blood glucose levels need to be avoided.

As for losing weight, slow and steady wins the race. You have already consulted your doctor, you strictly go by the norms given to you and you lose two pounds per week. Very good! That’s good progress.

The risk of heart diseases and liver problems are ever there for diabetics. The food items that are major sources of saturated fats must be avoided. Olive oil is often recommended as a good source of mono-unsaturated fat, the healthiest type of fat.

You must remember the following points, which are your lifelines:

1. Maintain the normal blood glucose level.

2. You have the possibility of heart and liver diseases. Limit your food items from this point of view.

3. Maintain the desired level of weight.

With all the emphasis on diet, research on influence of various types of foods on the diabetes patients is still going on unabated. Researchers in this area are the most confused lot. They are certain about effects of some items of food.

young blonde woman reading a book with a dog and a cat on the bed

Vague opinions also float. For example, the researchers are sure that cooked foods raise blood glucose higher than the raw foods. Whether foods with sugar raise blood glucose higher than the foods with starch, is still uncertain!

Diabetes care will, perhaps, be a hot subject for all time to come so far, diabetes is alive and kicking!

Do Steroids Raise Blood Sugar.

Steroid induced diabetes is a condition in which the level of sugar in the blood is too high, usually caused by Dexamethasone, a steroid medication. This is generally a temporary condition and blood sugar levels will return to normal after the patient stops taking the medication.

Symptoms of this condition include passing a lot of urine, especially at night, being excessively thirsty, losing weight without trying to, genital itching or thrush, slow healing of cuts and wounds, fatigue, and blurred vision.

To help control the level of sugar in the blood, it is important to maintain a healthy, balanced diet.

This involves eating regular meals and avoiding skipping meals, eating starchy carbohydrate foods with each meal, limiting sugary foods to occasional treats, including fruits and vegetables, avoiding sugary drinks, avoiding adding sugar, honey, or syrups to tea/coffee and cereals, and consulting food packaging labels for nutritional information.

A man and a woman taking a selfie with their dog outside in the park.

Foods labelled “suitable for diabetics” generally have no special benefit and may still increase blood glucose levels, so it is recommended to stick to ordinary packaged foods as part of a healthy diet.

Diabetes and Its Management.

Diabetes Mellitus is one of the most costly burdensome chronic diseases of our time and is condition that is increasing in epidemic population in the whole world. The complications resulting from the diseases are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality and are associated with failure of various organs such as the eyes, kidneys and nerves.

Diabetics are also at a significantly higher risk for coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease and stroke and they have a greater likelihood of having hypertension dyslipidemia and obesity.

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a serious disorder of the glands, of pancreas to be exact, called Madhumeha in Ayurveda. It is one of the most insidious disorders of the metabolism and, if left un-diagnosed, may lead to rapid emaciation and ultimately death.

What are the types of Diabetes?

According to Ayurveda Diabetes is of two types: Diabetes Mellitus- Insulin dependent Juvenile Diabetes (IDDM-Type I) in which the body is unable to produce insulin and Non Insulin Dependent Adult Onset Diabetes (NIDDM-Type II) in which the pancreas produces insulin, but it is insufficient for reducing the blood glucose to normal levels.

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What are the common symptoms of Type- 1 Diabetes? Some of the common symptoms of Type- 1 Diabetes are:

Excessive Thirst Frequent urination Unexplained weight loss Irritability Weakness Fatigue

What are the common symptoms of Type- 2 Diabetes? Some of the common symptoms of Type- 2 Diabetes are:

Loss off weight Numbness in hands or feet. Uncontrolled infections Pain in the limbs Inflammatory chest infections Dimness of vision, contrast Excessive thirst Body weakness

What are the different tests for Diabetes?

Urine Test: Some chemicals are added to a few drops of urine. Colour change indicates presence of glucose in urine.

Blood Test: In this, blood is taken to test the glucose level. This is more accurate test to confirm diabetes

Which parts of my body are affected by Diabetes?

Blood Vessels: Higher level of glucose damage the blood vessels. As a result of this most of the diabetic complications occur in blood vessels.

Heart: Diabetes affects the heart by: Increasing the amount of fat in blood and increasing the amount of homocysteine in blood.

Kidney: In diabetes because of increased levels of glucose, kidneys have to do extra work to retain essential substances and separate waste products to produce urine. This affects the small blood vessels and their capacity to filter. After many years of work, it leads to kidney failure.

Cheerful young asian couple playing with pet dog in the park. Asian man and woman having fun their dog outdoor

Eyes: Diabetes affects blood vessels of the eyes. Damage to these blood vessels leads to eye problems like: Damage to retina, Cataract or total loss of vision

Foot: Damage to blood vessels reduces blood flow to the feet and increases risk of developing foot ulcers and infections.

Nerves: High glucose level for a long time damages nerves. Nerve damage reduces sensation in some parts of body which may lead to: Numbness and tingling, Fainting and dizziness

Home Remedies for Diabetes:

The best remedy for this disease is the bitter gourd, better known as karela. Eat this vegetable as often as you can or have at least one tablespoon of karela juice daily to reduce blood sugar levels in your blood and urine.

Amla, due to its vitamin C content is effective in controlling diabetes. A tablespoon of its juice, mixed with a cup of fresh bitter-gourd juice, taken daily for two months will secrete the pancreas and enable it to secrete insulin.

Take ten tulsi leaves, ten neem leaves and ten belpatras with a glass of water early morning on an empty stomach. It will work wonders in keeping your sugar levels under control.

The leaves of Butea tree are very useful in diabetes. They reduce blood sugar and are useful in glycousia.

Take two teaspoons of powdered Fenugreek seeds with milk. Two teaspoons of the seeds can also be swallowed whole, daily.

Eat 10 fresh fully grown curry leaves every morning for three months. It prevent diabetes due to heredity factors. It also cures diabetes due to obesity.

Do Steroids Raise Blood Sugar. Positive & Negative Steroids Effects

Steroids are synthetically created drugs derived from testosterone, an androgen responsible for body growth, growth of sex organs, maturity, growth of body hair, and deepening of voice. Steroids effects are positive as well as negative. Actually, steroids effects are proportional to usage of steroids; the right usage has positive effects, and steroid abuse or over-dose has negative effects.

Steroids effects are positive when they are rightly used to treat disorders associated with the low secretion of testosterone in body. There are a number of positive steroids effects when they are medically used for purposes, such as bone growth stimulation, appetency, puberty, and muscle development.

There are positive steroids effects when they are used in treating chronic wasting diseases, such as AIDS and cancer. Steroids also help in living healthy life in later years of life.

On the other hand, steroids effects are negative when they are abused or over used. Often, steroids are used as performance, stamina, and strength enhancing drugs by bodybuilders, weightlifters, athletes, and other sports persons. Steroids are used by young boys and girls for various cosmetic reasons.

Dr. Gary Wadler, Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine at the NY University School of Medicine, who is currently working for the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA), says, Although there are many types of steroids with varying degrees of anabolic and androgenic properties, it’s the anabolic property of steroids that lures athletes.

They take them to primarily increase muscle mass and strength. The reason for that is that the side effects associated for the oral form were discovered to be especially worrisome for the liver. But the injectable steroids arent free of side-effects either. There is no free ride and there is a price to be paid with either form.”

Steroid abuse and overdose may have several negative steroids effects on both male & female sexes. Some of the common negative steroids effects include wooziness, early loss of hair, sleeping troubles, nausea, depression, mood changes, joint pain, hallucinations, paranoia, urination problems, yellow fever, stroke, increased risk of heart disease, trembling, high levels of blood pressure, increased chance of injuring muscles and tendons.

Some other side effects of steroids may include aggressiveness, depression, anxiety and uncontrolled bouts of anger.

Steroid abuse or over dosage may also have negative steroids effects on reproductive systems. Some of the negative steroids effects on male reproductive systems may include testicular shrinkage, powerlessness, hair loss, sterility, development of breasts or nipples, urinary problems, increased size of prostate gland and reduced sperm count.

Some of the negative steroids effects on female reproductive systems may include development of male features, increased facial hair growth, breast shrinkage and increased size of the clitoris.

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