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Small Business Ideas Small Town

Small Business Ideas Small Town

Small Business Ideas Small Town. The New Ideas Everyone is Talking About.

Small Business Ideas Small Town.  Why I Started and You Should Start, Too

Small Business Ideas Small Town. Do you know what the most frequently used word is that people type in a search box on the internet? Knowing what this word is and using it to it’s fullest extent can literally EXPLODE your sales if you run an online business. Let me explain.

Small Business Ideas Small Town

Small Business Ideas Small Town

The all important word is Free!!!

The word that is used in searches on the internet more than any other is Free. Everyone loves something for nothing. No one wants to pay for something if they can get it for free.

Think about all the times you have searched for something on the internet. Weather it was for information, a service, a product, in fact anything. Did you just type in the description, a keyword or phrase, or did you put ‘free’ before it?

If you omitted the word free, when the search engines generated the results, I guarantee it gave you a list of ‘related searches’ containing the keywords you used with ‘free’ in front of them.

The benefit of giving something for free.

As an online business, if you offer a product, service or some information for free, it can have great returns.

First of all it boosts your search engine rankings. As the word is typed into a search more than any other, having it optimized on your website will have amazing dividends.

Once a customer has found you in their search results, further use of the word free will draw them in even more. Giving them something for nothing if they visit your site is a big attraction. In fact it is such a huge attraction that I can’t emphasize how important it is.

How giving something for free can make you money.

When someone visits your site to claim their freebie, several things can happen.

In order to get their free product, they have to give you their name and email address. This is the #1 reason for offering it to them in the first place.

How To Create A Sales Funnel Website by Mr John Crestani, Super Affiliate, 8 Figure Entrepreneur, and Down to Earth Good, Honest Bloke.

Small Business Ideas Small Town: Webinar Starts Soon- How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online with Affiliate Marketing for Beginners. ONLINE TRAINING: JOIN John Crestani’s 6-WEEK TRAINING COURSE- “How to Build Your Own Affiliate Marketing Business From Nothing…” Send Me The Online Training Now:

Training will be taken down at any time due to High Demand for this product.

I bought this training only 3 weeks ago and I am already getting $500 Sales— Brian M, Sacramento, California.

Affiliate Marketing in conjunction with  well known companies, such as Clickbank, can be very profitable and rewarding. Your payments are guaranteed every 2 weeks and is entirely up to your Marketing Efforts and Abilities on how much you get paid. Create Website in Free. All products are digital. This means that the product can be downloaded immediately rather than having to wait for it to be shipped. I also bought into  and highly recommend John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System (SAS) for Affiliates.


It is highly unlikely that someone will buy something on their first visit to a website. And unless there is an excellent reason for them to return, they may never visit again.

By having their email address, you can contact them and remind them to revisit your site. You can offer them ‘special offers’ and affiliate sales through your correspondence emails.

It is a well known fact that there needs to be an average of 7 contacts (sales pitches, remind revisits, offers etc…)with a customer before they will actually buy something. The reasons for this are quite lengthy and are a whole other article, so lets stick to the matter at hand.

By being able to have the important contact with your customers, your chances of them making a purchase have increased significantly.

They learn to ‘trust you’, you become familiar to them and that is what often clinches the deal. You gain these things from your customers and then they buy.

So, that’s how you make money from giving away something for free.

The quality of free.

The item that you offer, whether it be a subscription to an e-zine, an e-book, report or software, MUST be of good quality.

If the customer receives their freebie and the quality is poor, they will not come back to your website and buy anything.

Even if you are the best website in your niche, offering the best deals, they will never find out, because they just won’t come back.

On the other hand, if they are impressed by their free gift, they are more than likely to visit you website again and again. High quality, useful products are an essential if you want the ‘freebie offer’ to work for you.

How you can drive traffic to your website using ‘free’.

Classified ads are a fantastic way to drive traffic to your website. The headline and description should be centered around the infamous “what’s in it for me”. That is offering them a freebie. This will entice them to click the link and visit your website.

You can post classifieds for free. Just type ‘free classifieds’ into the search box and choose from the 1000’s of results that the search engines produce. Submit your ads often and the traffic will keep coming.

Other ways to drive traffic using ‘free’.

Simply use it anywhere your ads appear. If you publish articles, reports or e-books, put your offer in your resource box. If you use pay-per-click, use the offer as your ad copy. Advertising in e-zines, weather its your own, an affiliates or bought advertising, again use the free offer in your resource box.

Choose carefully.

When deciding on what it is that you will give way, there is one piece of advice that is vital.

Make the free item appropriate to you audience. Whatever niche you operate it, stick with the theme.

If you offer an e-book on ‘how to knit fancy tea cosies’ and your business sells musical instruments, you will be heading for a problem.

Entrepreneurial Business Ideas


The customer will visit your website to get their e-book. They will download it and probably be very pleased if it contained high quality information on ‘how to knit fancy tea cosies’.

When you contact them via email with for example a ‘special offer on violin strings’, unless by some highly unlikely, random chance that they play the violin, they will not visit your website again.

No matter how many emails you send them, their interest was tea cosies, not musical instruments. Why should they visit your site again? The fact is they won’t.

So be mindful of what your own niche actually wants and give it to them.

In conclusion, the more you offer freebies, the more money you will make.

It is one of the best traffic drivers and is a straight forward concept.

Now that you have this little golden nugget of valuable information, get to work. Plan what you could offer, to whom, when and where.

Decide on a product that you can legally give away. Make it something that is useful to your own niche market. Advertise it everywhere you can and your opt-in-list will grow very quickly. After all ‘the money is in the list’, but again, that’s another article.

Best Entrepreneurial Ideas

Best Entrepreneurial Ideas

Small Business Ideas Small Town. Mentorship and  Entrepreneurialism

Today’s motivation for young entrepreneurs is being fueled through a variety of mentor-based programs that work to assist in the development of great ideas while pointing out potholes to avoid.

Organizations like Entrepreneurs Only (EO) are working to foster growth in young entrepreneurs with a sizeable dream. The organization further encourages philanthropy as part of the goodwill associated with establishing the vision.

Make no mistake, becoming an entrepreneur is as grueling as any class you have ever attended which is why it makes sense to link with an entrepreneurial group or message board that will allow you to ask questions and learn from the collective wisdom of those you are in contact with.

Mentor: Someone whose hindsight can become your foresight Author Unknown

Experience can come in two flavors. The first is through personal failures and the wisdom gained from those very personal events. The second is by expressing a willingness to learn from the mistakes of others.

When developing a business it is in your best interest to seek out someone whos been on the road your traveling and see what you can learn from him or her.

I considered Nat King Cole to be a friend and, in many ways, a mentor. He always had words of profound advice. Diahann Carroll

Some may have had the rare privilege of having a mentor who helped shape them into the human being they are today, but many are still looking for someone to interact with that can assist them in both personal and professional growth.

Interestingly, many who could be mentors typically do not see themselves as such. These individuals can pinpoint mistakes they have made in their lives and come away with the decision that they are not qualified to be a mentor.

Whether in business or life one of the most valuable assets you will ever have is a friend who will stand with you in all circumstances.

Small Business Ideas Small Town

Small Business Ideas Small Town

To further refine the point, a Public/Private Ventures study shows that participants in the mentoring program known as Little Brothers and Little Sisters are:

46% less likely to begin using illegal drugs;
27% less likely to begin using alcohol;
52% less likely to skip school;
37% less likely to skip class;
More confident in their schoolwork performance;
Able to get along better with their families.

A mentor is in many ways an advocate as well as a voice of reason. They aren’t parents and they shouldn’t be drill sergeants. In business and in life, a mentor is a goldmine and should be sought enthusiastically and with great care.

Small Business Ideas Small Town. How to Not Waste Money on Marketing

If you own your own business, you’re probably inundated with advertising and marketing opportunities and salespeople. You probably get asked to sponsor events and donate to organizations.

Maybe you’ve even been hit up by the premium company trying to get you to buy pens with your company name on them.

So how do you know what to spend your marketing dollars on, and what to pass on?

How do you avoid wasting your money on marketing that isn’t going to result in more clients and more sales? How can you ensure you’ll get the “biggest bang for the buck?”

Best Entrepreneurial Ideas

Beautiful photo of woman with dog and cat

The answer is to go back to your marketing plan and look at your goals and objectives. You’ll also want to look at who you identified as your ideal prospects or target clients.

Then you simply evaluate these potential marketing activities based on their ability to help you achieve your objectives, and their ability to put you or your company in front of your ideal prospects.

While sponsorships and donations are in part a goodwill activity and can be very worthwhile for that reason alone, if you are evaluating them from a marketing perspective (and I recommend you do, especially if you get asked to sponsor or donate frequently) you need to make sure they will give you exposure to your ideal prospects and contribute toward reaching your objectives.

The value of the exposure you receive should be worth the investment you are making. Consider what it would cost to reach those prospects in another manner to help determine the value of the exposure.

As far as purchasing pens with your company name, the same tests apply. Ask yourself how you will use the pens. Will they provide exposure to your ideal prospects or clients?

Will they reach your prospects in a manner no other marketing activity can? For example, if you are looking for repeat business from your clients, if they have a pen with your name on it that they see and use everyday perhaps they will be reminded to frequent your business.

If you are planning to do a direct mail follow up to clients who haven’t done business with you in awhile, a pen might be a nice premium to include in the mailing, and it will continue to serve as a reminder long after the direct mail piece is read and thrown away.

But do NOT order the pens if you don’t have a plan for using them and an objective for what you hope to achieve. Just having pens with your company name without these two items defined is definitely a waste of your money.

Best Entrepreneurial Ideas

Curly girl smiling and stroking retriever, while sitting near siamese cat on yellow sofa, on blurred background

Whenever you are questioning whether you should take advantage of a particular marketing opportunity, ask yourself these three questions:

1) Will it provide exposure to my ideal prospects or target clients?

2) Will it help me achieve my marketing objectives?

3) Is this exposure worth the dollars I am investing?

If you can answer “YES” to all three questions, and you have marketing budget available, then you’ll want to seriously consider the opportunity.

If your answer is “no” to the first two questions, and the opportunity doesn’t put you in front of your ideal prospects or help reach your objectives, you’ll want to “just say NO!” to that particular marketing opportunity.

If the answer is “yes” to the first two questions, but “no” to question number three and the opportunity is well-suited to your marketing plan but the value just isn’t there, you may want to go back and negotiate more exposure or a lower price.

And, last but certainly not least, if you don’t have a marketing plan to help you evaluate these kinds of opportunities when they come your way, my advice is simple: You NEED to get one.

If you haven’t identified who your ideal prospects are and what you want to achieve with your business you will most certainly waste valuable time and money on marketing opportunities that are not a good fit for your business. In fact you’ll be in danger of doing this everyday.

If you need help creating a marketing plan, The 10stepmarketing System is a great way to do it.

young woman petting her cat and dog at home

When you create your own marketing plan using the simple, step-by-step 10stepmarketing System you are setting your business up for success and you can be sure you are not wasting valuable dollars on marketing that won’t deliver you the results you deserve.

Small Business Ideas Small Town. Entrepreneurialism And Mentorship.

Todays motivation for young entrepreneurs is being fueled through a variety of mentor-based programs that work to assist in the development of great ideas while pointing out potholes to avoid.

Organizations like Entrepreneurs Only (EO) are working to foster growth in young entrepreneurs with a sizeable dream. The organization further encourages philanthropy as part of the goodwill associated with establishing the vision.

Make no mistake, becoming an entrepreneur is as grueling as any class youve ever attended which is why it makes sense to link with an entrepreneurial group or message board that will allow you to ask questions and learn from the collective wisdom of those you are in contact with.

Mentor: Someone whose hindsight can become your foresight Author Unknown

Experience can come in two flavors. The first is through personal failures and the wisdom gained from those very personal events. The second is by expressing a willingness to learn from the mistakes of others.

When developing a business it is in your best interest to seek out someone whos been on the road your traveling and see what you can learn from him or her.

I considered Nat King Cole to be a friend and, in many ways, a mentor. He always had words of profound advice. Diahann Carroll

Some may have had the rare privilege of having a mentor who helped shape them into the human being they are today, but many are still looking for someone to interact with that can assist them in both personal and professional growth.

Animal and woman Concept

Interestingly, many who could be mentors typically do not see themselves as such. These individuals can pinpoint mistakes they have made in their lives and come away with the decision that they are not qualified to be a mentor.

Whether in business or life one of the most valuable assets you will ever have is a friend who will stand with you in all circumstances.

To further refine the point, a Public/Private Ventures study shows that participants in the mentoring program known as Little Brothers and Little Sisters are:

46% less likely to begin using illegal drugs;
27% less likely to begin using alcohol;
52% less likely to skip school;
37% less likely to skip class;
More confident in their schoolwork performance;
Able to get along better with their families.

A mentor is in many ways an advocate as well as a voice of reason. They aren’t parents and they shouldn’t be drill sergeants. In business and in life, a mentor is a goldmine and should be sought enthusiastically and with great care.

In Conclusion: Small Business Ideas Small Town. – ONLINE TRAINING: JOIN John Crestani’s 6-WEEK TRAINING COURSE- “How to Build Your Own Affiliate Marketing Business From Nothing…” Send Me The Online Training Now:

Training will be taken down at any time due to High Demand for this product.

I bought this training only 3 weeks ago and I am already getting $500 Sales— Brian M, Sacramento, California.

Affiliate Marketing in conjunction with  well known companies, such as Clickbank, can be very profitable and rewarding. Your payments are guaranteed every 2 weeks and is entirely up to your Marketing Efforts and Abilities on how much you get paid. I also bought into  and highly recommend John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System (SAS) for Affiliates.

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SEE THIS: Read  More Interesting Articles Here===>

SEE THIS: Read  More Interesting Articles Here===>


Small Business Ideas Small Town – Recommended Products You Might Like

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Small Business Ideas Small Town. Want A FREE Book?– Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

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Noel W Schip

About Noel W Schip

Hi! I’m Noel and welcome to my personal blog. Are you ready and prepared to use the Internet and a Computer to change your Finances and Entrepreneurial Skills. Get Your First (Or Next) Funnel Built and LIVE in Just 14 Days for FREE!

I share tips and tricks to help you Make Money Online through Affiliate Marketing, Blogging, Side Hustles and other non-traditional methods that Entrepreneurs use. Learn more. Twitter, Linkdin,  Facebook,  Instagram   YouTube   and

P.S. FREE Money-Making Website!

I found the best home business start-up system here: 

Entrepreneurial Business Ideas

Girl on a blue background rejoices at her success

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