Meaning Entrepreneurs

Meaning Entrepreneurs: Are You Still Wasting Time/Money on Marketing ? Here’s How to Stop.

Meaning Entrepreneurs: Is Affiliate Marketing a Scam?: The Powerful Story of One Entrepreneur Who Discovered the Hard Way!

Meaning Entrepreneurs.  Boost Your Emotional Marketing Potential. Why do people buy your product? If you stack up enough benefits to outweigh the costs of purchasing it, do you automatically close the deal?

It doesn’t always happen, does it? Consumers are not calculating machines. They are soft, warm, breathing humans with emotions that assign meaning and personal significance to your products.

How do potential customers evaluate your products (or services)? How do they trade off various factors before deciding? How are their emotions involved in the process? Consumers–whether they realize it or not–use up to six categories of emotional criteria when they decide to purchase your product.

Technical criteria

Technical criteria relate to what your product does. Every product performs a function. It may also perform additional functions or have features that make it easier to operate or use.

If your type of product has been around for a while, everyone assumes it will perform its basic function. Marketing battles are fought on the ground of extra features and ease of use.

Does your product perform its core function better, faster, or more smoothly than your competitors’ products? Have you enriched your product with additional features? Is your product easier to buy and simpler to operate?


Economic/sacrifice criteria

Economic/sacrifice criteria relate to price. Consumers live in an approach/avoidance world. Your product’s benefits are in a tug of war with its price and the effort it takes to purchase it.

For most consumers, the psychological cost of paying for your product reduces their enjoyment of it. Several emotionally significant factors influence the maximum price you can charge for your product.

How closely does your product relate to the buyer’s needs? How unique is your product? Do you charge a “fair” price? Is paying the asking price socially acceptable for your customers?

Legalistic criteria

Consumers are also guided by what others demand or want. Some potential buyers must obey legal requirements and this loss of control may be frustrating. Consumers also feel obliged to consider the needs and desires of others, like their spouse or children.

Does your product help your customer comply with any legal requirements? Can your product be made more appealing to your customer’s children or spouse?

Integrative criteria

How does your product or service fit with your potential customer’s social group or personal identity? Consumers belong to social groups. They face potential embarrassment if they don’t conform.

So they constantly try to strike a balance between group membership versus visibility and self-esteem. Any product or service that increases their self-esteem is emotionally satisfying.

Does your product help your customer express their identity? Can your product be described as “upscale” or “exclusive”?

Adaptive criteria

Consumers want to minimize any risk that they will regret their purchase later. The easiest solution is to avoid responsibility completely and trust the advice of others, preferably an expert.

Consumers also lower their risk of future regret by imitating the buying habits of others that they assume are “in the know,” by looking for guarantees, or by basing their decision on your reputation.

Are you able to offer endorsements from recognized experts? Do you have testimonials from satisfied customers? Do you offer a strong guarantee? Is it possible to offer a free trial or sample?

Intrinsic criteria

Intrinsic criteria relate to your product’s basic nature–how much the consumer “likes” your product. Appeal to your customer’s senses. How does your product look, feel, taste, smell or sound?

Curiosity is another intrinsic criterion. Consumers are always looking for something new and different. Familiar products are reassuring, but they are also boring.

The trick is to not go too far. Every consumer has an optimal level of novelty and complexity that maximizes their curiosity and their desire to satisfy it. If you push beyond the optimal point, they will return to the familiar.

Is your product “refreshing” or “alluring”? How about “enchanting” or “elegant”?

If you focus only on rational behavior, then you choose to ignore enormously powerful emotional forces that ultimately make your customer’s final decision.

The rational argument should already be won by your product’s high quality design. Creative innovation, savvy pricing, and persuasive presentation will win your customer’s emotions.

Meaning Entrepreneurs. Super Affiliate Network Review (Can You Make Money Here?) by Mr John Crestani, Super Affiliate, 8 Figure Entrepreneur, and Down to Earth Good, Honest Bloke.

Meaning Entrepreneurs –Webinar Starts Soon- How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online with Affiliate Marketing for Beginners. ONLINE TRAINING: JOIN John Crestani’s 6-WEEK TRAINING COURSE- “How to Build Your Own Affiliate Marketing Business From Nothing…” Send Me The Online Training Now:

Training will be taken down at any time due to High Demand for this product.

I bought this training only 3 weeks ago and I am already getting $500 Sales— Brian M, Sacramento, California.

Affiliate Marketing in conjunction with  well known companies, such as Clickbank, can be very profitable and rewarding. Your payments are guaranteed every 2 weeks and is entirely up to your Marketing Efforts and Abilities on how much you get paid. I also bought into  and highly recommend John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System (SAS) for Affiliates.


Meaning Entrepreneurs: Hey, I invented that first!

The other day I was struck by the Hey! I invented that! contraption first. You know the one I’m talking about.

It happens when you’re mindlessly watching TV and a commercial pops up marketing THE item you always told your friends, family, and anyone who would listen, was the next big idea and would make you tons of money. And there it is. On TV. Making someone else tons of money.

Or maybe you’re the type that gets spastic with the Psssh! I could make that! twitch. Whether you have the I thought of it first knee-jerks or the any five year old could do that spasms, it all boils down to the same coulda-woulda-shoulda disease. The appalling disease of inaction and envy.

Tired of hearing stories of so-and-so selling such-and-such on eBay (I could do that!) or neighbor Joe making big bucks with his online business (Didn’t I just tell you what a great moneymaking idea that is?)

I took matters into my own hands and plunged into the world of web marketing and online business.

Now there were more than just a few humps or misconceptions that I had to climb over (alright, alright, I was dragged over kicking and screaming by the tow-truck of necessity). But here are two major ones:

1) Making a website is hard.

Well, I’m not going to lie to you and say it was peaches and cream, either. It turned out to be rather simple when I realized I didnt need to learn any fancy new programs from the ground up.

For real beginners, there are free html editors that you can download from the web; and if you’ve ever typed a document/essay/paper/letter in your life, you basically understand a textual layout and the things you can do to it. So fine.

My first website was not very attractive. In fact, it was rather boring. However, I had some fine power tools on my belt. I knew how to google.

Meaning Entrepreneurs

The thing about the Internet is people like to talk, and they like to give out information for FREE. So I learned just enough html to understand the underlying structure, and I used that helpful little trick of View>Source (on simple pages, of course simple but better looking than mine).

I googled any html code abbreviations I didn’t understand. And voila I had a website that looked downright gaudy. Long story short, I learned the fine art of balancing a little too much with just enough.

(Helpful hint: just because you now know how to highlight every other word, doesn’t mean you should.) And patting myself on the back over a job well done (at least until I can make enough money to hire pros to make my site uber-wonderful), I then ran into misconception number two.

2) If you build it, they will come.

It took me a while to realize that the only ones who knew of my existence were family, who I bragged to, and my hosting site, who Im sure will remember me on “invoice day.” You can see where I’m going with this next.

Ok, I’m not going to re-hash everything you already know about bringing people to your site, nor am I going to preach to you about “conversion rates.” Let’s just say the bottom line for actually getting your website viewed, is to be creative.

There have been hundreds (and will be probably millions) of e-books and the like which show you the sexiest ways to get traffic to your site, down to the simplest method like…he he…writing an article. (dancing emoticon)

A lot of good information out there is, again, free. Ultimately marketers want to sell you something, but you would be surprised at the amount of free information on the net that is actually worth something and is more than a baited hook.

Poke around, do some research, check out a few forums, download a few e-books (free or paid), and above all get creative!

Meaning Entrepreneurs. Smith Could C the Future.

Frederick W. Smith attended Yale University and wrote a paper on the concept of overnight package delivery.

Smiths professor did not agree with his futuristic possibility and only gave Smith a C for the paper.

How many times have we let someone’s opinion dissuade us from doing what we want to do? How many times have we given our power away by letting one persons opinion stop us from achieving our goals?

Smith did not let his college professor stop him. After he was honorably discharged from the Marine Corps, Smith implemented his overnight package delivery service in 1971.

The name of his business was Federal Express.

1. Smith never gave up on his passion for his concept for an unmet need

During Fed Exs first two years, the business lost $27 million and almost went bankrupt. Smith came close to losing $80 million that he raised from investors, including personal money from his brothers and sisters. Smith was able to renegotiate some loans.

Beautiful girl enjoys outdoor with group of little cats and dog.

Many of us have financial challenges. Smith was about to lose tens of millions of dollars that he raised to implement his passion for an unmet need: overnight package delivery.

Smith knew he was able to answer the classical marketing question: what is the unmet need? Smith answered the question very well and persevered.

2. Naivete was also a big part. I didn’t know that I couldn’t do this.

Smith was quoted as saying in a 1998 interview. How many of us put so many demands on ourselves and are always thinking that the worst will happen? Is it the fear of the unknown? Are we that much attached to our comfort zone?

Also in a 1998 interview, Smith said that the currency of exchange in Fed Ex was just money, it wasn’t peoples arms and legs, or lives. This quote was in reference to Smiths experience in the Marine Corps in Vietnam.

Apparently, Smiths philosophy was that losing money was not like losing lives. How many of us deal with situations in which lives are at stake? Medical professionals can experience situations in which they need to save lives. Can losing money ever compare to losing lives?

3. Smith never lost his confidence

Smith did not want to let down people who signed up with him to make Fed Ex happen. His philosophy went back to his Marine Corps days. He had said, I knew I had put this thing together properly and that it was going to be all right.

Have you graduated from college? If so, you put together a plan and succeeded. Smith was confident about his passion and stuck to his plan. He did not let the threat of losing tens of millions of dollars and going bankrupt stop him from losing his confidence.

Have any of us faced as much financial difficulty as Smith did? Smith also did not let a grade of C on his paper at Yale deter his confidence.

4. Smith took advantage of his learning resources and had great mentors

Shot of a beautiful young woman relaxing on the couch with her dog and cat

Frederick Smith said The Marine Corps is the best when it comes to teaching people how to lead other folks. Smith made the most out of his military training, which was a foundation for his ultimate success at forming and maintaining Fed Ex.

“What have we learned from our experiences and how can we better utilize them? Who are some of the people that have greatly influenced us? Staff Sergeant Jack Jackson and Father Vince Capodanno were two people who had a big influence on Smith. Sergeant Jackson was Smiths platoon sergeant in the Corps.

When Smith first met Sergeant Jackson, he had grown a mustache and smoked cigars. Smith wanted to look older than 22 years old. Sergeant Jackson told Smith, Well, the first thing, shave off that ridiculous mustache, and quit smoking the cigars — because you look absurd — and be yourself.”

Sergeant Jackson told Smith the he looked like a smooth-faced kid trying to be something that (he) wasn’t. Smith said what Sergeant Jackson said stuck with him to this day.

Father Capodanno was Smiths battalion chaplain, who received the Congressional Medal of Honor. In 1966, Father Capodanno was assigned to Vietnam, with the Third Battalion, Fifth Marine Regiment.

On September 4, 1967 he was killed in action, in Que Son Valley. He was giving last rites to wounded and dying Americans in the heat of battle. Father Capodanno showed the utmost in self-sacrifice.

Most people, including Smith, though it was an honor to have known such a great man.

Don’t let naysayers discourage you.

Man sleeping with cat and dog.

Meaning Entrepreneurs. What and Who is an Entrepreneur?

“One who plans, oversees, and bears the risks of a company or venture”

Collegiate Merriam-Dictionary Webster’s

Ho Hum… Do you find that satisfying?

Why? …

as an entrepreneur, you are most likely one of them.

Remember the time you first started your own business.

Consider Columbus, Lewis and Clarke, Magellan, or the Wright brothers. There isn’t much of a difference between explorers and business people, in my opinion.

We’re in it for the game, for the glory, for the cash, and maybe even for the adventure.

Likewise, “Amelia Earhart, Christopher Columbus, Leonardo da Vinci, and You” We are in charge of our destiny; we make the decisions, whether they are good or bad.

A Businessperson’s Story

Take a moment to picture yourself saying farewell to your employer or your biggest rival.

Meaning Entrepreneurs. an asian chinese teenager girl watching tv at home on sofa with her pets

Hello Jack I simply came by to say goodbye.

We are in it for the game, for the recognition, financial rewards and possibly the adventure.

As “Amelia Earhart, Christopher Columbus, Leonardo da Vinci, and You”… WE CONTROL OUR DESTINY; call the shots, for better or worse, and Take Charge.

A Story of an Entrepreneur

Imagine saying farewell to your employer or the biggest rival in your industry.

Hey Jack I just stopped over to say goodbye because I’m giving up and ending the business. Doing business is simply too challenging.

“When you notice the faint twinkle in his eye as he makes an effort to appear sympathetic, you know that he is planning a party.

Yes, sir. Operating this activity in this atmosphere is simply too challenging at this point. I’ve expanded internationally, using my laptop and mobile phone while travelling to work from my new home in any city.”

Have you heard that I am training others to perform the same tasks as our team and that I only have three or fewer employees.

Do it Now You will be glad you did.

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In Conclusion: These abilities are possessed by most if not all of the successful  Entrepreneurs. To some these abilities come naturally while others have to acquire them.

If you want to be successful and reach the top, the solution is obvious- possess them if not acquire them.

Meaning Entrepreneurs –Webinar Starts Soon- How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online with Affiliate Marketing for Beginners. ONLINE TRAINING: JOIN John Crestani’s 6-WEEK TRAINING COURSE- “How to Build Your Own Affiliate Marketing Business From Nothing…” Send Me The Online Training Now:

Training will be taken down at any time due to High Demand for this product.

I bought this training only 3 weeks ago and I am already getting $500 Sales— Brian M, Sacramento, California.

Affiliate Marketing in conjunction with  well known companies, such as Clickbank, can be very profitable and rewarding. Your payments are guaranteed every 2 weeks and is entirely up to your Marketing Efforts and Abilities on how much you get paid. I also bought into  and highly recommend John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System (SAS) for Affiliates.



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Meaning Entrepreneurs –Recommended Products You Might Like.

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Want Your Own FREE Domain Name? Then Check Out Domain Names and Website Hosting Below.

Meaning Entrepreneurs. Want A FREE Book?- Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

If you are looking for the #1 way to change your life and start earning a substantial income on your own, then you will want this book and to watch the Associated Online Free Training Session with the book. Here’s the Link to download the ‘Think & Grow Rich e-book and the Associated Training,==>

About Noel W Schip

Hi! I’m Noel and welcome to my personal blog. Are you ready and prepared to use the Internet and a Computer to change your Finances and Entrepreneurial Ideas and Skills?  Get Your First (Or Next) Funnel Built and LIVE in Just 14 Days for FREE!

I share tips and tricks to help you Make Money Online through Affiliate Marketing, Blogging, Side Hustles and other non-traditional methods that Entrepreneurs use. Learn more. Twitter, Linkdin,  Facebook,  Instagram   YouTube   and

P.S. FREE Money-Making Website!

I found the best home business start-up system here: 

Girl on a blue background rejoices at her success


About Noel W Schip Hi! I'm Noel and welcome to my personal blog. Are you ready and prepared to use the Internet and a Computer to change your Finances and Entrepreneurial Skills? I share tips and tricks to help you Make Money Online through Affiliate Marketing, Blogging, Side Hustles and other non-traditional methods that Entrepreneurs use. Learn more.  Twitter, Linkdin, Facebook, Instagram  and YouTube

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