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Film Entrepreneur

Film Entrepreneur

Film Entrepreneur – The Epic Formula to Finally Achieve Success.

Film Entrepreneur : 10 Questions You Need to Ask Before You Start Any Business.

Film Entrepreneur. Keys To Starting Your Own Clothing Company. Ever wanted to start your own clothing company? Its not as difficult as you think. What do you absolutely need?

1. A decent logo

2. Creative concepts and graphics – Design Talent

3. A unique, blank apparel supplier

4. A decent screen printer

5. A Line Sheet to show potential buyers

6. Sales and promotional talent.

Blogging is one way to make money online, but adding in a touch of affiliate marketing makes it even better! In today’s episode, I’m going to share with you what made me financially successful. If you know how to string words together and copy-paste a link or two – check this out!

Film Entrepreneur. Webinar Starts Soon- How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online with Affiliate Marketing for Beginners. ONLINE TRAINING: JOIN John Crestani’s 6-WEEK TRAINING COURSE- “How to Build Your Own Affiliate Marketing Business From Nothing…” Send Me The Online Training Now:

Training will be taken down at any time due to High Demand for this product.

I bought this training only 3 weeks ago and I am already getting $500 Sales— Brian M, Sacramento, California.

Affiliate Marketing in conjunction with  well known companies, such as Clickbank, can be very profitable and rewarding. Your payments are guaranteed every 2 weeks and is entirely up to your Marketing Efforts and Abilities on how much you get paid. I also bought into  and highly recommend John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System (SAS) for Affiliates.


Which do you think is most important? Its obviously design talent you say? Are you Joking?

You must be joking. Have you stepped out of the house recently? Have you seen Von Dutch clothing? Crayon wielding Chimpanzees produce better designs. Furthermore, I imagine the monkeys are more sanitary, but I digress.

#6 is clearly the most important element. You can create an entire line of fashion forward, beautiful clothing but if you can’t pitch it – no one will ever see it (excluding your mom of course). So, unless you want a closet full of your fantastic designs, ask yourself the following two questions:

Can I sell?

In other words……can I hit the pavement with my line sheet and walk into every boutique clothing store I can find? Then will I harass the hell out of retail clothing store buyers so that they’ll try to squeeze 5 minutes of time in for me at Magic 06′ (Clothing Convention) ?

Will I be able to make a professional presentation to a Nordstroms buyer?

Can I promote?

Do I have and creative viral or guerilla marketing ideas to get this label kick-started?

If the answer to both of these questions is No – you better get some help. Namely, find someone passionate for fashion who also happens to be ridiculously outgoing, great on the phone and aggressive as hell. Lastly, (and superficially) it would help if your sales rep is hot.

Film Entrepreneur

Film Entrepreneur

I know, how horrible… sorry, buy I didn’t say anything about this being an equal opportunity business.

That being said, let me welcome you the shallow end of the pool….. i.e. the fashion world.

Good luck with your label!

Film Entrepreneur. Believe The Hype Making Millions Online

How much money can you make online? Are there really online millionaires?

Of course there are, but is it reasonable to expect that you can be one of them. Don’t let the hype surrounding the emergence of opportunities cause you to lose your common sense.

Millionaires are made by effectively assessing the needs of a market and having a product or service that addresses those needs.

The internet can greatly expand your ways to sell products or services. Some people have been able to use this to make a great deal of money. Some companies that operate only on the net have made online millionaires of their founders.

Before the internet there were auctions, but no eBay. With thousands of items sold daily, each one making a profit for eBay, there is no doubt that the founders must be online millionaires.

Before the internet there were bookstores, but no Amazon is now outdoing traditional bookstores. Don’t you wish you were the founder of Amazon?

Online millionaires start with an idea and a belief in themselves. They find a way to set themselves apart from the rest. Like real world millionaires, they often have enough faith in their ideas that they risk their own money and even seek additional funding elsewhere.

Once they get started, they make themselves big enough that the other competition does not threaten them.

Online millionaires start early in the game. For example, now that we have eBay, people often forget there are other auctions. The only real competition Amazon has is traditional bookstores that were always there.

If you want to be an online millionaire, think of a need that is still largely unfulfilled. After that, you will probably have to believe in your idea enough to take some financial risks. If it doesn’t work, you lose your investment. If it does, you might join the ranks of online millionaires.

Film Entrepreneur

Film Entrepreneur

Film Entrepreneur. Ego and the Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs over the last 6 years as a consultant, a business leader, and one myself. There are two types of Entrepreneurs and I have definitions for them:

1. Successful Entrepreneur
2. Unsuccessful Entrepreneur
3. New Entrepreneur

Not very catchy definitions are they? Let me define them based on their characteristics because the New Entrepreneur out there could save them self a lot of headache if they look for behavior that generally leads them to failure.

Successful Entrepreneurs

These guys are easy. They know the game. They understand why you build a business. They do it over and over again because they love the challenge. They are not in it for their egos, the idea, or the need to have President on their business card.

They do it because they cant do anything else, but build things and then sell it off. They get it started, then hand it off to people to run it.

Unsuccessful Entrepreneurs

Things just don’t work out for the Unsuccessful Entrepreneur. More often than not, they keep on trying, and get it a little more right next time. Eventually, some become successful. Often, they give up and return to the safety net of a 40 hour per week job. Their idea, product, or service just does not solve anyones problem, but their own.

New Entrepreneurs

I have a lot of respect for people that venture out into their own or try to turn an idea into action. These are people that generally don’t fit into the corporate structure, are generally liberal minded (not to confuse the Rush Limbaugh listeners of the world, liberal minded means finding new ways of doing things from how it is always done.

Or, it simply means outside the box thinking). Having the audacity to question how things are being done and suggest there is a better way to do it.

So the new Entrepreneur has this great idea! Then, they get excited because they could make a lot of money doing it! I am going to be rich! So, they embark on the emotional high of becoming an Entrepreneur. They become infatuated with their idea.

It is the best idea and the only idea worth investing. Most need money to fund their idea, yet they dont want to give anything up to get other peoples money. Their valuation of the business is way over inflated and they have no sales. Ego and control start to get in the way.

Film Entrepreneur

Film Entrepreneur

I have been involved in several start-up ventures and this is a common pattern that occurs. As I sit at the Venture Club of Indiana and listen to new ideas being pitched around the table, the pattern is there.

The New Entrepreneur is excited about their great idea, yet they cannot really articulate how to make money with it.

Their assumptions about their market are not well defined and they do not really understand what it takes to get a business going. They don’t understand why no one will invest in their business. They are passionate about the idea and their ego loves the fact that they can now put President on their business card.

So what is important for new Entrepreneurs? It is all about sales.

When I was President of the Indiana Entrepreneurs Alliance, one of the guests to our meeting made an important point. He said, everyone says you need and accountant and a lawyer to get a business started.

So, everyone goes out and gets and accountant and a lawyer to make you feel good about your idea.

This is backwards. He points out that you need customers first to determine if the idea has merit, then go out and hire an accountant and a lawyer. Is what you are doing in demand and are people willing to pay for it?

In other words, it is about sales and marketing. As a New Entrepreneur is weighing the idea, the emphasis needs to be on sales and marketing. Get the idea, product, or service out there and see if someone will pay you for it. Do you need an infrastructure to support it? Yes.

Do you need to be able to deliver it? Yes. But figure out what kind of expectations you can put out there and manage. As another successful Entrepreneur told me, don’t be afraid of success.

You can always find money, if you have a book of business to show an investor. And, you can always find ways to deliver.

In our web consulting, we see the New Entrepreneur all the time. Some people are looking for the Mirror. Come in and tell me that I am great, my idea is great, and that you can sell it the way I want it to be sold, even though I have had mediocre success to date.

Film Entrepreneur

Film Entrepreneur

In our case, the web plays an important part for most customers trying to sell products or services. They focus on their logo and their image, their name. Unsuccessful entrepreneurs gladly feed into their egos and leave results starving at the table.

The reality is New Entrepreneurs need to focus on results. In business, results equal sales and profits. Logos, names, and images can have value only if people buy because of the name, logo and image.

Film Entrepreneur. Review: Words That Sell.

It’s the Golden Rule of copywriting. “Know your target audience.” It is impossible to persuade someone you know nothing about to take any type of action. But the question remains: How – exactly – do you get to know your prospective customers?

For copywriters, this task is the most time-consuming. When you’re faced with making a connection with someone you’ve never met, it can be frustrating. That’s why I was excited when I found out about a series of reports entitled “Words That Sell”.

How would you like it if someone else did the hard part for you? Then take heart! The people at The Brooks Group (publishers of these reports) interviewed hundreds of professionals in a wide range of occupations to get the specific information included in the e-books.

These reports target people in 38 different industries in detail including medical professionals, chief executives, entrepreneurs, human resources, dentists, doctors, hospital administrators, engineers, real estate managers and so many others.

What do they deliver? Details. Exact details about what words work, what words don’t and why.

What’s Good About These Reports

A lot of research went into the making of these reports. It took years to interview countless professionals then compile and sort the data. Then the creators of the reports developed easy-to-read e-books written in everyday language for each profession. Inside you get:

Film Entrepreneur

Large family sitting on the carper at home with their pets, dog and cat.

background and personality profile
psychological profile
exact wording to use
reasoning behind why some words work and some words don’t
exact wording NOT to use
sample letters, headlines and copy to use
and more

You get a lot of information in each report. These are not just 5- to 8-page lists of words to use. Each report is 20-25 pages long and has insightful, specific information that will make your job as a copywriter go much more smoothly and quickly.

I also liked that I could buy each report individually or in “combo” packages for a discount. That way, if I need just one, I only have to pay a small price.

These reports are quick to read, and for busy copywriters, that’s a real blessing. I find myself going back to them over and over and – because of the simple layout – I can get the information I need quickly without having to reread the entire report again.

What’s Not So Good About These Reports

They need more examples. Yes, you do get examples of how to use the information, but more would be nice. (Can we ever get enough examples?) The examples given are definitely suitable, but could be more “real world.” They seem rather elementary to me.

Film Entrepreneur

young woman petting her cat and dog at home

Also, it would have been my preference to include a table of contents with clickable navigation links. A minor point? Maybe, but when you use the reports, as much as I do, it would save a great deal of time over the long run.

Overall, the Words That Sell reports are a huge timesaving tool. They are interesting, accurate and very useful. The sales copy claims you’ll double, triple or even quadruple your profits.

I can’t attest to the quadruple part, but I have seen the use of the information in these reports double and triple sales for some of my clients.

Are they worth the $28 (each) price? Absolutely! They’ll save you way more than $28 in research and brainstorming time, and you’ll have a powerful new tool for converting lookers into buyers for 38 different industries.

In Conclusion: Film Entrepreneur. – ONLINE TRAINING: JOIN John Crestani’s 6-WEEK TRAINING COURSE- “How to Build Your Own Affiliate Marketing Business From Nothing…” Send Me The Online Training Now:

Training will be taken down at any time due to High Demand for this product.

I bought this training only 3 weeks ago and I am already getting $500 Sales— Brian M, Sacramento, California.

Affiliate Marketing in conjunction with  well known companies, such as Clickbank, can be very profitable and rewarding. Your payments are guaranteed every 2 weeks and is entirely up to your Marketing Efforts and Abilities on how much you get paid. I also bought into  and highly recommend John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System (SAS) for Affiliates.


SEE THIS: Read  More Interesting Articles Here===>

SEE THIS: Read  More Interesting Articles Here===>


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Film Entrepreneur. Want A FREE Book?– Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

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Noel W Schip

About Noel W Schip

Hi! I’m Noel and welcome to my personal blog. Are you ready and prepared to use the Internet and a Computer to change your Finances and Entrepreneurial Skills?  Get Your First (Or Next) Funnel Built and LIVE in Just 14 Days for FREE!

I share tips and tricks to help you Make Money Online through Affiliate Marketing, Blogging, Side Hustles and other non-traditional methods that Entrepreneurs use. Learn more. Twitter, Linkdin,  Facebook,  Instagram   YouTube   and

P.S. FREE Money-Making Website!

I found the best home business start-up system here: 

Building A Website Free

Girl on a blue background rejoices at her success


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