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Health First- In Sales Funnels

Health First- In Sales Funnels

Health First. If you are really serious about building a healthy business, then you need to follow these easy steps.

Health First. 6 steps to create loyal customers who come back and buy more.

Health First. Why Does Your Business Need A Sales Funnel? It may sound obvious but often a business will forget the fact that the only way to make money is to get customers to buy. And the best way to get customers to buy is to have am effective sales funnel.

A sales funnel is set of steps where you guide a prospect through a series of communications that results in them buying from you.

But what happens after that first sale is made? Health & Fitness Existing customers are the people who are most likely to buy from you again.

How Does A Sales Funnel Work?

At the top of the funnel, you offer something for free in return for getting a prospect’s contact information. This could be a report, checklist, video or eBook. Then you begin marketing, following up with emails and other communications to attempt to make a sale.

Throughout your sales funnel process, you should have several offers that complement each other. For instance, Health & Fitness before you buy a car, you take it for a free test drive.

 Health First

Two young girls, a teenager and an elementary-age running with their dog in a meadow in the nonurban environment, their father is walking in the background.

If you like the car and buy it, the salesman doesn’t just hand you the keys and then vanish. You’re offered extended auto warranties, enhancements like upholstery and wheel options.

After a couple of months the salesperson will contact you to see if you’re happy with your new car, and let you know about a discount or sale going on. Health & Fitness In the future, you’ll be contacted with opportunities to trade in your vehicle and the sales process goes on and on.

How Many Levels In The Sales Funnel Process?

As you can see from the example above, there can be many different levels in a sales funnel. A one level funnel is where after a customer buys from you, you move onto the next prospect.

Health First. Sales Funnel Strategy – 7 Simple Hacks To Get Your Sales Funnel To Convert

Health First. Webinar Starts Soon- Hosted by Russell Brunson: “Want The Funnel Secret That Is Currently Being Used By An Underground Group Of Entrepreneurs To Sell Almost Anything You Can Dream Of?”   Register NOW For This FREE Webclass + Bonuses. 


But this a critical error.

It costs 6 to 7 times more to get a new customer than keep an existing one. It makes sense to market to someone who has already purchased one of your products, rather than try to convince new people to buy your services.

An existing customer already knows you and your business. If they have received health & fitness excellent value from you once, they’ll be more prepared to spend money with you again, rather than somebody who has never heard of you.

There is no “ideal number” of sales funnel levels. Each business, product and service is different. Just make sure you are continuously providing your prospects and customers opportunities to improve their lives or solve their problems with future purchases from you.

An effective sales funnel can put your business on autopilot and consistently convert leads into customers if you structure it the right way. Health & Fitness To help you set up an effective funnel for your business, download my free Sales Funnel Checklist at

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 Health First

Young men moving in new house. He is happy and using laptop to organize everything. His pet dog is with him.

Health First. The 3 Must-Know Rules of a Successful Sales Funnel.

We’ve spoken about this before, but in case you’re new around here… let me give you a quick primer on the almighty sales funnel.

Sales funnels or marketing funnels are just graphical representations of the relationship that you have with your customers or prospects. Health & Fitness Your sales funnel maps the journey of your prospect into your business from Prospect to Lead to Customer.

There are three main stages to a marketing funnel:

Stage 1: Awareness
Stage 2: Engagement
Stage 3: Conversion

Just like a relationship between you and your significant other… sales funnels have rules.

So when we have marketing that doesn’t work… it’s usually because we broke the rules.

So let’s do something a little different and talk about the rules. If you know the rules – you can go back to any failed marketing campaigns that you’ve EVER run and see why they weren’t as successful as you hoped.

So let’s dig in.

Sales Funnel Rule 1: We Have To Start At The Beginning

We can’t enter a relationship in the middle it just won’t work. If you’re at a bar and somebody you don’t know walks up and says “Will You Marry Me?” – you don’t even know this guy’s name – that’s not going to work out very well and that’s exactly what a lot of people do with their marketing.

Health First

A pretty young girl holding a cute orange tabby kitten and an affectionate puppy that is licking her face as she is laughing

“Hi, my name is Richard… Wanna buy some stuff?”

Don’t do this… Don’t be a Richard.

The Solution: Be cool and introduce yourself first. Health & Fitness Our goal with our sales funnels is to have our online relationships follow a similar path to our offline relationships.

Sales Funnel Rule #2: We Can’t Jump Stages

You can’t go straight from Stage 1: Awareness to Stage 3: Conversion. Well, that’s not actually true. You can do it, and most people do, but your results will not be great.

If we go back to our dating analogy, that would be like getting married after the first date. You may hear a random story here and there about it but for all practicality – that won’t work either.

The Solution: Engage with the user before you ask them to buy something. Health & Fitness This is often called “nurturing” the lead.

How do we do that? Easy… Just be nice and ask questions.

Get to know them.

Find out their likes and their dislikes
What they really want in life
What drives them absolutely crazy
What challenges are they currently trying to overcome

After all of that, if you feel like what you have to offer will help the customer… by all means – Take the relationship to Stage 3 and make them an offer.

Health First

Young couple moving in new house. They are happy and making selfie with there pet dog.

Sales Funnel Rule #3: We Can Speed Up The Journey

This is my favorite rule of all because I’m a huge fan of “hacking” systems and trying to figure out where the balance is between efficiency and overall results.

By understanding the rules and what is needed to proceed from one stage to the next – we can speed up the journey that our customers take through our funnel.

This is where the challenging part kicks in… What is required to move a user through YOUR sales funnel is most likely going to be different from what is required to move a user through MY sales funnel.

To take this even one step further – for a given company that sells multiple products, the journey might need to be different for each product.

For example: A business sells a variety of marketing training programs and “Done For You” marketing services. Health & Fitness They range in price from $7 up to $50 K+/year.

The journey that prospects take before they buy a $7 video-based training program is drastically different that the journey a prospect takes before they are eligible for private coaching.

Guess which one takes more time?

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Health First. Website Funnel Building Software: What’s the Big Deal?

It seems like the major talk of the town lately is all about website funnel building software programs.

Every time you turn around there is seemingly a new product being created that will help people get their websites or their marketing funnels set up.

So how important is it to have a funnel building software program? Do you even need one?

And why are they so popular right now?

What is a Funnel?

When it comes to online marketing (meaning you are marketing any type of product or service using the internet) there will be a sequence of steps the customer takes from start to finish.

Each of these steps or pages that they land on are all pages in the entire funnel. Health & Fitness so the term “funnel” refers to each page in the buying sequence.

 Health First

Young woman playing with a Border Collie dog in the park

Examples of Funnels

A classic example of a common webpage funnel would be:

  • Opt-in or landing page, which leads to
  • Thank you page, which leads to
  • Sales page or Video Sales Letter

So in this example, your traffic or website visitors will land on your opt-in page, enter their name and/or email address, then end up on a “thank you page” where you deliver your initial offer or freebie item.

From there, you can then link the potential customer over to your offer, usually in affiliate marketing it is some type of sales letter or video sales page.

Do you really need a funnel then?

Here is the truth.

If you are starting out, and no absolutely nothing about web pages, autoresponders, email marketing, and all the tech side of an online marketing strategy, a funnel is not a bad idea.

You can literally set up your page, insert your affiliate link for the program you are promoting, and be up and running in about 20 minutes.

Health First

Curly girl smiling and stroking retriever, while sitting near siamese cat on yellow sofa, on blurred background

The funnel building software will also link the pages, interact with your autoresponder software, and often times you do not even need hosting or a domain.

Many of the popular funnel software programs for website creation allow you host your sites right on their domain without any added cost.

What if I do have tech skills?

If you can put together web pages, and you understand hosting, domains, autoresponders, and some of the other tech things for a marketing plan, then by all means a funnel program is not necessary.

However, depending on your speed of implementation, and whether or not you have a team building your sites for you, even top marketers will use funnels from time to time.

What are some examples of funnel building software programs? Health & Fitness Sites like Traffic Generator Pro offer the 7 Minute Funnel Builder and you get an entire suite of traffic training as well as your very own traffic coach.

Nate Rio is an International speaker, business coach, and Online and Digital marketing expert. You can get 1 FREE Marketing coaching session with Nate (a $97 value) at Partner with Nate Rio [], where you can get started building your affiliate marketing business.

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Health & Fitness

young woman petting her cat and dog at home

Health First. Blog And Ping Software Review.

There are many people who ask as to which are the best blog and ping software around. Blog and ping softwares are softwares that can automatically post information and links from your websites to the blog sites so that they can be easily searched by sites like Google and Yahoo. The final result is that your site will become more famous and will reach the top rankings in Google and other search sites.

WordPress and RSS to Blog are one of the most widely used softwares by people all over the world. Health & Fitness They automatically send information about your site and links to all the blog sites at the click of a button. They can save your list of links for future use also. Another very good software to use for blog and ping is BlogSolution.

BlogSolution is one of the most advanced blog, ping and SEO softwares around. It brings in results quickly and it is very effective. Health & Fitness You can make your site easily searchable by search engines as the software posts your links directly on thousands of blogs in one go. The whole process can be achieved thorough the click of a button.

BlogSolution can at least creates hundred blogs a second using its own highly advanced blogging platform. BlogSolution is a multi manager as all your BS2 domains can be managed from a single place. It easily interlinks your sites and also posts one way links to your sites. There is a very good feature by the name of Smartjobs that automatically creates blogs in your absence.

BlogSolution indexes entries very quickly using the Indexing Turbocharger which leads to extremely fast indexing. BlogSolution can get more spiders than any other blog software at present. Health & Fitness The interface of BlogSolution is extremely simple to use and is very user friendly. You can learn the full use of BlogSolution within a short period of time with its help tool.

There are also video tutorials provided with the package. Using BlogSolution you can post hundreds of one way links on various sites.

Health First

Animal and woman Concept

If you use BlogSolution then you dont need to use any other blogging solution. BlogSolution takes care of all your blogging needs and brings in positive results for your site very quickly. If you would like to test BlogSolution first before buying it then you can download demo software from the BlogSolution website. Health & Fitness Once you are satisfied with its performance you can buy the software online paying through your credit card.

Hence we see that BlogSolution is the best blog solution ever found. The users of BlogSolution have found it to be extremely effective and also they would not like to use any other blog software.

It is the next generation software that has taken the world by storm with its simple user interface and bringing in positive results for all its customers. Health & Fitness Watch your income grow as more and more people can find your website on the search engines and order for products and services.


Health First. Double your Web Traffic in 4 Easy Ways.

The stiff competition in online businesses has left many websites struggling to stay alive. The need to have more browsers and visitors can not be stressed enough. Without them, there is really no point in continuing.

Many have tried and failed to increase the number of their web traffic but it seems like a difficult task. Its not like in the real world where you can place a big banner outside your store claiming low prices and slashed off discounts.

In the internet, you have to get yourself noticed among millions of websites through expensive and costly advertising. For small and medium businesses, this is not possible. Health & Fitness They will just have to be contented with the web traffic they have now. They are also dependent on the conversion rate of each visitor as a potential customer.

Health First

How to be Affiliate Marketer. Man sleeping with cat and dog.

For instance, the webmaster has 10 to 12 percent of conversion interest and rate (3 sales for each 20 visitors), and he gets 100 web visitors each day. How much will he get? 15 sales a day, and that’s being generous already, but he can get more than that by increasing the web traffic procedure.

To double the web traffic the webmaster must have a plan how to increase conversation rates per day but importantly, he must increase his web traffic flow.

Most of the visitors choose the best and top rating sites in the world. Health & Fitness If the website is attractive it can easily catch the attention of the visitors and web surfers.

Here are the four great ways to optimize traffic in the website.

-> Search engine does matter.

Most of the websites focuses more on the traffic procedure in a traffic generating crack and on the rank in several search engines. From the very first day of an online business, the concentration must be on how to get on the top ten of search results. Health & Fitness For most of the webmasters, the higher the rank of the websites the better the rates will be.

A Webmasters primary concern is how to remain on top and what method to use. A majority of them rely on the traffic generating method of SEO or search engine optimization.

Most of the time, the right step is to optimize the website somewhere in the middle of the results page. Staying on the top of search engine ranking can be very hard to do. Especially for new websites, search engine ranking is very vital.

As an advice for the newly set-up website, their focus must be concentrated in a single part of the website. New websites should get a momentum to boost the traffic within few days with a little amount of effort.

Health First

woman indoors in her kitchen at home with pets cat and dog. Photo taken of woman with her pets in real home candid

Web traffic from search engines is almost 100 percent free of charge. Once the websites rank very high, it would be very easy for the webmasters to promote high competency. Another thing, if the website has a high ranking in search engines the preservation can be very simple.

The return of investment can easily get better if the web traffic works accurately.

On the other side of the story, Web ranking can be very expensive. More than ever, a new established web site has the most expenditures. In addition, health & fitness search engine rankings are also disreputably transitory because the web industry alone is a highly uncertain business enterprise.

-> Promotion and marketing Method

Conventional way of advertising is frequently out of reach. It is important for any successful growing business in particular. Other than that, the Internet has a pay for every click advertising process. Nowadays, the budget for Internet advertisement can cost a few dollars only.

The website should get away from the conventional of advertising. Most of the traditional advertisements can cost hundreds of dollars and it is exceptionally difficult. Newly built websites must have an advertisement budget of less than 20 dollars.

Advertising on web can contribute in web traffic. Health & Fitness It is better to grab the opportunity for each advertising network.

-> Recommendations from friends and relatives, Viral Marketing

Webmasters must be concerned on how they can increase ranking through more word and mouth methods. Viral marketing allows this to happen by using people other people trust to recommend their site.

There are many techniques on how to improve websites by word and mouth traffic procedure. First is by freebies, promos and entertaining multimedia.

Second technique is by sending several letterheads, business cards, advertisements and more to different search engines.

Most of all, by participating in online forums, by this way the website can get more visitors by talking about their websites and by giving them information about the advantages and benefits this particular website can give.

-> Have a good press publicity

Press release can gain an extensive visibility and search engine rankings. But beware of the negative impact on the condition of publicities image.

Also, try to get your sites good reviews from other sites who rank online businesses.

There are many method and techniques how to generate and boost the web traffic in websites, comprehensive researching can also be helpful. Never give up, new methods and techniques keep coming out everyday. Health & Fitness all you need to do is be on your guard and keep yourself updated.

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Health First. Webinar Starts Soon- Hosted by Russell Brunson: “Want The Funnel Secret That Is Currently Being Used By An Underground Group Of Entrepreneurs To Sell Almost Anything You Can Dream Of?”   Register NOW For This FREE Webclass + Bonuses. 


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About Noel W Schip

Hi! I’m Noel and welcome to my personal blog. Are you ready and prepared to use the Internet and a Computer to change your Finances and Entrepreneurial Ideas and Skills?  Get Your First (Or Next) Funnel Built and LIVE in Just 14 Days for FREE!

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