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How to Make Money from Blogspot. Review 2024

How to Make Money from Blogspot. Review 2024

How to Make Money from Blogspot. If you are really serious about building a Blog Business, then you need to follow these 12 easy steps.

How to Make Money from Blogspot: Self made affiliate marketing guy claims he’s found a loophole.

How to Make Money from Blogspot. After you create a blog that is interesting, now it is time to start making money. The second step of getting visitors is the most important, if you plan on making money.

The third step is choosing how you will make money from your blog.

You should try to keep your blog on the same topic on all your posts, being that you can have an unlimited number of blogs, you can have a blog for any and every topic you choose.

Make sure to start a new blog if you are totally off the main subject of the blog that you are posting to.

Blogger and several other free blog companies make it very simple to have a brand new blog up and running in a matter of a few minutes.

Try not to post an article about healthy eating  on a blog about dogs.

Once you have an interesting blog on one particular topic, the best place to how to make money with a blog is Google AdSense.

How to Make Money from Blogspot

Patient being treated with the assistance of a trained dog

Blogger has made it very simple to add AdSense ads to your blog.

The ads that show up on your blog will be targeted towards the topic of your blog, which means if you have a blog about dogs, the ads that show up on your blog will deal with pets. How To Make Money With Blogger. It’s like Google is paying you to advertise on your blog.

How To Make Money With Blogger. Another way to make money with your blog is with affiliate programs.

Companies will pay you good money to advertise their products, and all you have to do is put a link or banner on your blog leading to that companies web site.

Once a sale is made the company gives you a commission. That is the reason you should pick one topic for your blog.

How to Make Money from Blogspot, $20,000 Per Month by John Crestani- 8 Figure Marketing Entrepreneur, Super Affiliate and Super Gentleman

How to Make Money from Blogspot. Webinar Starts Soon- How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online with Affiliate Marketing for Beginners. ONLINE TRAINING: JOIN John Crestani’s 6-WEEK TRAINING COURSE- “How to Build Your Own Affiliate Marketing Business From Nothing…” Send Me The Online Training Now:

Training will be taken down at any time due to High Demand for this product.

I bought this training only 3 weeks ago and I am already getting $500 Sales— Brian M, Sacramento, California.

Affiliate Marketing in conjunction with  well known companies, such as Clickbank, can be very profitable and rewarding. Your payments are guaranteed every 2 weeks and is entirely up to your Marketing Efforts and Abilities on how much you get paid. All products are digital. This means that the product can be downloaded immediately rather than having to wait for it to be shipped. I also bought into  and highly recommend John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System (SAS) for Affiliates.


If you want to have a blog about your life, by all means do it, but have other blogs about specific topics if you want how to make money in blog.

Once you find a topic that interest you, look for affiliate programs for that particular topic.

With the dog blog example, there are several dog training products that you can have links and banners to on a dog blog that will make good how to make money by blogger.

The internet is the essence of marketing, by that I mean, every word in an ad matters, every color, where the ad is located on your blog, whether is is blinking or not, and the color of the text.

– Pinging blog ping services every time you make a new post and are two sites you can use to do this.

– Participating in forums related to the topic of your blog. Put a link to your blog in your forum signature.

How to Make Money Blogger

Finally, once you have your blog monetized and you have started promoting it don’t forget to post regularly. How to Make Money from Blogspot. The most important aspect of every successful blog is frequent posting, so be sure not to let the virtual dust gather over your blog!

How to Make Money from Blogspot. Here are six essential practices to maximizing your income as an Affiliate Marketer!

If you are like most new affiliate marketers, you have signed up as an affiliate and posted links and are actively promoting products but you are making few sales. Here are things that you can do to start making real profits:

#1 Build your own Website:

You need to build your own website to promote the products. Make sure it has its own paid for domain name (, not a free site like ( If you have been using free hosting, people looking at your site will not take your blogger how to make money business seriously.

If you don’t know how to build a website there are many services that offer simple website building programs for a small fee or you can hire someone build a site for you. How To Make Money With Blogger. Check out where website designers will bid for the opportunity to build a site for you!

#2 – Write reviews of the products you are promoting:

You need to know the products you are promoting! It is crucial that you purchase all the products you are promoting so that you can write honest reviews about them.

Let potential customers know that you are using these products and why they are worth buying! You then need to post these reviews on your website, in your newsletters and in articles.

How to Make Money Blogger

Mother, dog and little child playing in living room

#3 Get yourself a Blog:

I recommend that you get a Blog and link it to your website. This will allow you to create discussions on the how to make money from blog about the products you are selling and list any updates to your regular website.

Blogs that are updated and posted to regularly (I recommend every other day) are indexed quicker by the search engines than are new websites, and after the blog is indexed, the pages you have linked to the blog will also get indexed.

This is a very powerful way to get your site indexed and to get more links to your website.How to Make Money from Blogspot. I recommend posting link to your website at the end of each post you make to your how to make money by blog. This will give you even more links to your site

#4 – Write Articles:

One of the best ways to become an expert on your product is to write articles on the Internet and include a link to your website in the resource box.

There are many places to submit articles and the more you write the more exposure to your website; more click thorough of your affiliate links and purchases of the products you are promoting which will in turn make you more money.

#5 Join forums on the internet related to your products:

Go to google and search; forums (your affiliate products), Join the forums you find After you join the forums make sure you use your signature in your posts and How to Make Money from Blogspot then need to have your website links in your signature line.

Make sure you post regularly! It is important to post relevant and useful information in the forums. You will find an incredible amount of free, useful information in the forums.

How to Make Money Blogger

Mother, dog and little child playing in living room

They are an indispensable resource. I highly recommend this tactic! Signature links are also indexed by the search engines and will provide you more links to your site thus increasing your ranking in the search engines and driving more traffic to your site!

#6 – Use text links not banners or buttons:

Due to the enormous use of pop-ups and flashy banners that we see each time we visit a website, It’s much more professional looking and effective to have a text link with a few lines about the products you are promoting.

Stay away from banners and pop ups, Most web surfers are sick of pop ups and have pop up blockers built into their browsers

Utilizing all of the above mentioned tactics will help your affiliate commissions grow Significantly!

How to Make Money from Blogspot. Three Ways To Start A Conversation And Finish With A Sale

Ditch your elevator pitch. Zap your infomercial. And whatever you do, keep your carefully worded, painstakingly developed, positioning statement to yourself.

They may make you sound clever, but your elevator pitch, infomercial or positioning statement dont exactly make for good conversations. Which is a shame, because last I checked, even a sales conversation is just that a conversation.

So what can you say to a prospect sitting across the boardroom table, or someone you meet at a networking event or the beach bum in the next chaise longue?

How can you start a conversation in a totally natural, familiar way that doesn’t sound like a sales pitch to the other person, doesn’t feel like a sales pitch to you, and yet increases your chance of getting your next referral or making your next sale?

Unfortunately, there’s no such thing as a magical phrase or headline that will make the other person want to buy your product or services it just doesn’t exist.

What does exist, however, is an approach that will elicit interest from the other person so that he or she will want to engage you in a conversation.

As a copywriter, I have adapted several copywriting styles and approaches for use in verbal conversations.

How to Make Money Blogger

Happy young couple are taking pictures with their dogs at home

Here are three of my favorites.

#1 The Provocative Question

Chances are, you’ve seen this technique on websites, flyers and direct mail. It’s Copywriting for Direct Marketers 101, and it works just as powerfully in verbal conversations. In fact, it works so well that I’m surprised people don’t use it more often!

The best way to come up with a Provocative Question is to ask yourself the following:

What question can I ask, such that the response from the other person allows me to say, ‘That’s what I do’?

The best Provocative Question pinpoints a problem or a symptom of a problem that the other person has. However, don’t get trapped into thinking that the problem has to be a big, generic problem that the category as a whole solves.

It can be a small but nagging problem, or even a one that people have when they deal with your competitors.

Many people have a hard time coming up with Provocative Questions because, ironically, the most compelling ones are also the simplest and most obvious.

Another thing that people have trouble with is answering a question with a question — when someone asks us a question, we’re wired to answer. What I am suggesting here is that you use that wiring to your advantage.

How to Make Money Blogger

couple sitting together at dusk drinking hot drinks outdoors in the North East of England.

Here’s an example. When someone asks me what I do, I often answer back with a Provocative Question like this:

“Well let me ask you a question. When you go to a networking event or when you have to introduce yourself in public, how confident are you with the way you describe your business?

Almost every time, the person acknowledges that he or she doesn’t feel confident with the way they describe their business. In that moment, I have engaged the other persons interest by presenting what I do in a way that’s personally meaningful to him or her.

Then, what generally ensues is a conversation about the sales and marketing challenges they have and how I can help.

If, on the other hand, the person responds by saying that they’re totally confident with the way they describe their business, that’s cool too.

I have two choices; I can either move on to another provocative question, (such as, That’s great, do you get the response you want or would you like more people to ask for your business card, even in social situations?).

Or I can talk about how being confident about the way you describe your business shows you have exceptional clarity the true value you offer to your clients — and how that’s the absolute most fundamental plank of your sales and marketing.

Its all good — its all about having a conversation around an issue that’s both A) important to the other person, and B) related to a core challenge that you help your best clients solve.

How to Make Money Blogger

Lifestyles in Barcelona home. One woman.

#2 The Level-Setting Statement

If you’re a financial advisor, consultant, or in any other crowded profession where your prospects are very familiar with — perhaps even jaded about — the kind of work you do, this ones for you.

The ‘level-setting statement’ is a universal statement that gets the other person nodding in agreement and then, WHAMMO! your point of difference hits them like a ton of bricks!
Here’s why it’s such a powerful technique. You can only be different in comparison to something else. That’s what the level-setting statement does it establishes what that something else is.

Here’s just one example from an event planner I worked with:

“There are five specific areas of expertise that are absolutely critical in major event planning. (Pause and wait to see if the other person wants to know what they are.)

While there are a lot of excellent event planners who can do a good job in one or two of them, it’s extremely unlikely that any one event planner would be an expert in all of them. Because I’ve been in the business for 15 years — on both the corporate as well as on the vendor side — I’ve developed a detailed planning process around each and every one.

That’s what enables me to track and manage the myriad of details to guarantee a successful event.”

By stating the level-setting statement up front, you educate the other person about the industry you operate in, and establish a frame of reference that gives meaning to the differentiation you want to communicate.

You can use this approach to challenge an underlying assumption that people have about the industry, to illustrate a small but significant problem that generally annoys customers when dealing with your competitors, or anything else that allows you to highlight your solution.

Take a look at your own point of difference. Can you come up with a level-setting statement that will help you stand out even more?

How to Make Money Blogger

Adorable little girl, 5 years old, cuddles with a cute young kitten. A white dog peeks over the side of the chair, checking out the new arrival,

#3 Address The Stereotype Head-on

You know how as soon as people discover you’re a _________________(insert your title here), they immediately form an impression about you that’s based on a stereotype?
Unfortunately, that stereotype is often negative.

For professions such as life insurance agents or used car salespeople, where the negative stereotypes run strong and deep, I recommend you address the stereotype head-on:

“If I tell you I’m a used car salesman, you’d probably think ‘plaid jacket guy who sells lemons to unsuspecting customers’, right?”

Pausing here is important here, because you want to give the listener time to move the image of the stereotype from the unconscious part of their brain to the conscious part. They might even want to chime in and give you their negative experience about dealing with people like you.

Perfect now their guard is down. Now you can continue on to explain how your business, service or approach fixes the problem that everyone else in your industry has created.
That’s your most compelling differentiator!

Stop selling! And start having real conversations!

Simple as it may seem, everything truly does start with a conversation. You’re not trying to tell your entire story, nor are you even trying to get the most important points out of your mouth first.

All you want to accomplish is elicit interest from the other person; to have that person say, ‘tell me more’.

So don’t think of these as sales techniques think of them as conversation starters.

The rest is up to you. If you are genuinely interested in helping the person you’re chatting with, chances are better than excellent you’ll finish with a referral or a sale.
Now go out and have some conversations!

How to Make Money from Blogspot. Three Ways to Invest Time + Money In PR

Kelly: When should people consider PR in their marketing efforts?

Elizabeth: PR should be included in every marketing plan you develop from the very beginning of a new product being launched or a policy coming out. Use it heavily in the beginning to establish a brand, then level out over time. Its also a good tool for handling crisis down the road.

For consumer-related messages, PR really builds credibility quickly 40-50% of your budget isn’t unreasonable.

Fritz: The traditional view is that product marketing should go with ads, not PR and that issues and position-related launches should use op-eds and PR.

But I see it as actually the opposite for example a good story on NPR will do more than, say, ads. Think of PR to launch a brand, and advertising to maintain it.

Kelly: What advice to you have for someone just learning about PR for their business or organization?

Fritz: PR is a process its not a one-time hit or magic bullet. Just like networking or in social experiences, it takes time to develop trust and credibility. So just one press release in a vacuum wont do it.

This is really a cornerstone. One thing that really helps is planning even if its a year out you need to be thinking about it now.

How to Make Money Blogger

photograph of beautiful young woman with her dog playing and enjoying their time together, golden retriever, close up.

Actually, you really need to be thinking and talking internally about it all the time. All of your employees are diplomats and ambassadors of your company.

So all the internal communications need to be aligned, with policies on if or how to talk with the press, the general public talking points are key, as is training. Protect your brand by getting everyone on the same page.

Kelly: So what’s the one thing you wish your clients would do that would make it easier for you to help them in their publicity efforts?

Elizabeth: Bring us into the planning process early on. Often, clients will sit down at the beginning of the year when they get their budget and plan, but don’t include their PR team until much later.

You need to think through angles and pitches early on and be thinking strategically not just about tactics.

Fritz: Then there’s the media schedule if you want to do big pushes in February, realize that you’re competing with the Super Bowl, Grammys and Oscars. Even if you’re local and on a smaller scale, there’s an annual cycle that you need to take into consideration.

Elizabeth: There are things you should plan around, unless you can relate your topic to these things.

Fritz: The other thing is for clients to understand the difference between the story and how its pitched.How to Make Money from Blogspot We had a client who shot themselves in the foot by not allowing us to let the media ask them about a particularly hot topic its got to be about what the public wants, not what you necessarily want to say.

Kelly: So what should a small company budget for PR if they want to build a regional presence?

Fritz: That’s a great question and again, it depends on whom you re trying to reach. You need to look at the scope of what you want to do. What’s your dream list, and then scale it back and budget realistically.

How to Make Money Blogger

Good looking smiling female wearing white sweater and red santa claus hat playing with Pekingese dog

Come up with smart PR dollars, and don’t waste your investment. So television interviews may not be needed, when radio will be more effective.

Kelly: Lets talk about radio in a minute. But first, what are SMTs and VNRs…and why are they beneficial to PR campaigns?

Fritz: A Video News Release (VNR) is a pre-packaged news segment. It looks like anything you’d see on local news with a reporter in the field, a voiceover, and its edited just like news. You then send that to any newsroom and they can pop it in, just like any news piece.

So instead of the station having to come out and cover your story, you’re saving them the expense and time.

News production has become so much more expensive and producer workload has tripled so this really makes sense because you’re making their life easier, as long as its a balanced piece. You can even do a specific style for a specific network.

The SMT is a Satellite Media Tour. This is doing a series of interviews in a studio, with a satellite uplink that connects to any affiliate in the country, with a reporter doing 2-3 minute interviews.

You’ll hit one- to two-dozen markets in a couple of hours, which would have cost you far more in travel, lodging, downtime, etc.

Smaller companies don’t tend to go this way (there’s a cost of entry starting at about $12k), but once you figure out what it can do for you on a national scope, the dollars make sense.How to Make Money from Blogspot. You can also use it for local and regional markets, targeting only those audiences you want to reach.

How to Make Money from Blogspot

Merry Christmas. Happy little child and puppy dog in sweater playing, hug and having fun on couch with blanket at winter holidays.

Elizabeth: Yes, if you want to launch something within a state (for example, a new mass transit system in a region), its much more efficient. Local elected officials may not have time to run around to every station in their market, but will have time to go to one studio for an hour or two, and talk to eight different local or regional stations.

Kelly: Okay back to radio. How can radio boost awareness about PR campaigns?

Elizabeth: Radio is a great option for clients with smaller budgets. Its also good to mix in with SMTs. Radio is a different audience they tend to be captive and in the car. There are many different types of programs that are very targeted, so its easier to reach a specific audience.

Radio is also a lot cheaper costs about 50% of SMTs and has a lot of credibility its really a big up and coming tool.

Again, you need plenty of lead-time for radio, although its less complicated than TV. How to Make Money from Blogspot.We recommend 4-6 weeks of lead-time, to help with targeting and messaging. And sometimes radio is better because its not a visual story.

Fritz: With radio, you can get so specific on your demographic target so the more you know about your target audience, you can really focus how to spend your dollars.

Kelly: Do you have an opinion on the difference in effectiveness between a straight radio interview vs. an editorial-based audio news release?

Elizabeth: I prefer radio media tours better, because you can attach a persons name to a story and interact with the anchor and connect better with the audience to build trust.

Kelly: Do you have a specific PR success story you’d like to share?

Elizabeth: We did a satellite media tour for the National Museum of the American Indian. The launch was a huge success we had 21 interviews lined up for the Museum Director that turned into 91 airings nationwide.

One place where we really helped was in targeting the radio stations many we found were on Native American reservations.

Kelly: So how should people think about success what are the metrics we should consider for PR?

Elizabeth: It really depends on what your goal is: to increase public awareness? to increase museum visits? to sell more books? So we provide statistics on airtime and encode our broadcasts to see how long they last and then compare that to ad dollars.

Advertisement usually ends up being far more expensive that what they invested for the tour, not to mention the difference in credibility you get from PR vs. ads.

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In Conclusion: How to Make Money from Blogspot. Webinar Starts Soon- How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online with Affiliate Marketing for Beginners. ONLINE TRAINING: JOIN John Crestani’s 6-WEEK TRAINING COURSE- “How to Build Your Own Affiliate Marketing Business From Nothing…” Send Me The Online Training Now:

Training will be taken down at any time due to High Demand for this product.

I bought this training only 3 weeks ago and I am already getting $500 Sales— Brian M, Sacramento, California.

Affiliate Marketing in conjunction with  well known companies, such as Clickbank, can be very profitable and rewarding. Your payments are guaranteed every 2 weeks and is entirely up to your Marketing Efforts and Abilities on how much you get paid. All products are digital. This means that the product can be downloaded immediately rather than having to wait for it to be shipped. I also bought into  and highly recommend John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System (SAS) for Affiliates.



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Noel W Schip

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  1. […] How To Make Money From Blogger – Red Oceanway P/L says: February 25, 2021 at 6:36 am […]

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