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Social Entrepreneurs Example

Social Entrepreneurs Example

Social Entrepreneurs Example. How to Avoid Looking Silly When Talking About Social Media.

Social Entrepreneurs Example. Forget Everything You Know About Social Marketing Networks, and Then Read This

Social Entrepreneurs Example. Many will view the world of entrepreneurialism as a means of developing a business to supply the financial requirements of household needs. The prevailing dream of most aspiring entrepreneurs is to work for themselves without the need to answer to a boss.

There is, however, a culture of entrepreneurs who not only seek to become self-sufficient in the business ventures, but they also seek to be agents of societal change.

The Schwab Foundation awards 30 international entrepreneurs with a Social Capitalist Award for not only succeeding in their profession, but also providing a sense of positive societal change.

The 2006 American What Social Entrepreneurship of the year winner was Kyle Zimmer and a company called First Book. This company has a desire to see low income children have every opportunity to read and own books of their own.

Statistics indicate:-

          61% of low-income families have no age-appropriate books in the home

          80 percent of preschool and after-school programs that serve this group have

          no books at all for these children

         There are 181,500 such programs in US cities with populations exceeding 50,000 alone

        The children’s book market is a $27 billion industry with over 460 million books sold


Social Entrepreneurs Example

Three African-American sisters playing with their little dog in the backyard. The oldest girl, 16, is standing in the middle. The others are also teenagers, 13 and 14 years old.

The entrepreneurs at First Book have worked to provide new children’s books for less than $2.00 per copy to programs dealing with low-income children.

Because First Book is able to sell in mass quantities to grateful literacy programs they have a significant budget that allows them to provide books to severely disadvantaged children at no cost.

Reports indicate First Book has given away more than 43 million books since its inception in 1992.

First Book has shown it is possible to develop a business that allows you to do what you love and be paid to do so. They have also shown that they can take the passion of an entrepreneur and combine it with a desire to affect future generations in a positive way.

Finding the right business is discovering an under served market and developing a solution to needs that haven’t been addressed elsewhere.

There are thousands of global social entrepreneurship who are giving back to their local, national and global communities.


In an era of governmental cutbacks and reduced budgets many of these social entrepreneurs are finding great satisfaction in contributing in a meaningful way to the things they are most interested in.

The prospects are limitless and often provide a greater sense of satisfaction to those who include others as part of their business plan.

Social Entrepreneurs Example. An Easier Learning Curve Through Social Marketing Networks

Most people who have succeeded in business can probably tell you something about the importance of having a mentor who will be able to teach you the ropes in starting your own business.

This is because the experience that these successful businessmen can impart is a very important factor in shortening your learning curve and in helping you avoid the mistakes start-up entrepreneurs usually make.

Consider the fact that 90 percent of all start-up businesses fail within five years as opposed to 90 percent of franchised businesses succeeding within the same time span and you’ll begin to appreciate the benefits of not having to reinvent the wheel to make your business work.

The Easiest Way To Do Affiliate Marketing 2023 by Mr John Crestani, Super Affiliate, 8 Figure Entrepreneur, and Down to Earth Good, Honest Bloke.

Social Entrepreneurs Example.  ONLINE TRAINING: JOIN John Crestani’s 6-WEEK TRAINING COURSE “How to Build Your Own Affiliate Marketing Business From Nothing…” Send Me The Online Training Now:

Training will be taken down at any time due to High Demand for this product.

I bought this training only 3 weeks ago and I am already getting $500 Sales— Brian M, Sacramento, California.

Affiliate Marketing in conjunction with  well known companies, such as Clickbank, can be very profitable and rewarding. Your payments are guaranteed every 2 weeks and is entirely up to your Marketing Efforts and Abilities on how much you get paid. I also bought into  and highly recommend John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System (SAS) for Affiliates.


Social Marketing Networks

Online social marketing networks have served the purpose of educating new entrepreneurs as well as honing the skills of experienced entrepreneurs.

This is because in an online social marketing network, you can ask for a business advice by posting your questions in a new forum and reading the answers given by some successful members.

An article about the most common mistakes a newbie makes in any line of business alone can save you from making the same costly mistake.

Furthermore, your learning curve will be much shorter as the other members in the network can help you find information, contacts and procedures that you need to start or manage your business.

Conversely, these successful businessmen can also generate leads and business opportunities through these online social marketing networks by providing the new entrepreneurs the tools they need to successfully jump start their business.

All in all, social marketing networks benefit every member by making available information, means of sharing ideas, and ways of gathering information otherwise unavailable through other means.

Social Entrepreneurs Example

Social Entrepreneurs Example

Social Entrepreneurs Example: Criteria in Choosing your Online Social Marketing Network

Of course, not all social marketing networks are the same so you must choose wisely.

The best online social marketing network for you will obviously be the ones you will benefit from the most.

For this reason, if you are a new entrepreneur, choosing the social marketing network with the most active and most numerous successful members will be the best choice.

This is because the advice that they will be able to impart regarding your concerns will be ones based on something they have encountered before that has worked and not something they have only theorized about.

Of course, surrounding yourself with successful people in your field of business will also give you the right frame of mind and outlook in overcoming the challenges that will come your way.

These people will tend to be supportive and not pessimistic because they themselves have learned to overcome these problems when they were starting out on their own.

Make sure to also choose a group that is well lead and structured as this will prove to be very important in making the transactions and conversations easier to participate in and more beneficial for the members.

Beware of some social networks having very lax leadership; this defeats the purpose of creating the group in the first place with some members filling the forums with spams, advertisements, viruses etc.

With social marketing networks, learn more, share more and profit more.

Social Entrepreneurs Example

Middle Aged Woman Enjoying Her Tea With Her Dog in Caravan

Social Entrepreneurs Example. Superstar-Growth Strategy of Americas Fastest Growing Companies!

Here’s a strategy that has catapulted even the smallest of companies into super-growth mode by learning how to find an army of top producers to grow your business.

No matter how small your company is, you can hire a sales force that can catapult company growth like you never imagined (one company that took this advice grew 500% in two years).

No matter how large you are, you’re probably using the wrong criterion for hiring salespeople. How to attract star talent to your organization?

How to learn their weaknesses before you hire them (most companies have to hire a salesperson to find out all the problems they’re going to have- this will show you how to get rid of the lightweights in just five minutes).

What about you? How would you stack up against top producers as a person who has a natural ability to build your business?

One-person armies who were struggling have learned to re-think their model to hire sales-staff, and suddenly they are sold-out.

Multi-billion dollar companies had to understand the unique psychological profile of top producers and why they should hire for psychological profile rather than background.

The type of person Im talking about is someone you can put in a bad situation with poor tools, no training, bad resources and still, within a few months, they begin to outsell your best salespeople or build your company in ways you never dreamed possible.

Social Entrepreneurs Example

Young women playing with dogs in her living room

Two things drive the superstar and they are both critical and work together perfectly when you can find them: empathy and self esteema strong sense of self).

Empathy: Top producers need to bond with others, to find something likable about every person. This is a wonderful trait to find in a salesperson.

They just keep going at the client every which way, trying to find more and more ways to serve that client, to please that client. Empathy is a key trait and part of your interview process must be specifically designed to weed out their empathy.

Self esteem: Make no mistake; great sales results come from people with super strong self-esteem. Only a person with an extra dose of self-esteem barrels into a client eight times after the client has said no.

People with weak self esteem go away after only a single rejection. People with weak self esteem fear rejection and so never actually close a sale.

Studies show that 48% of salespeople give up after only one rejection. Only 4% will try more than 4 times. Yet today, it takes 8.4 rejections to get a meeting.

And what makes the difference between someone who will face that rejection one time and quit or 40 times and never quit, is purely personal (self esteem). has training programs that do that. But you can hire someone who, without you ever asking or training, is built that way. These people will have way more heart about getting that sale made.

 Social Entrepreneurs Example

Happy young family having fun, playing together at home. Happy childhood concept

Another aspect of a strong self esteem is personal ambition. Dont you love it when you hire someone who innovates, expands upon and improves every single task you assign to them?

This self esteem and need to please can make these people seem overly eager-to-please in a job interview. Maybe even come on too strong. Don’t let a little bravado put you off; it is the quintessential ingredient in every superstar.

In an interview, the person is the product, so they must present themselves with confidence, assure you that they are the one youre looking for. This aggressive behavior will scare some employers, but it is exactly what you need in a salesperson.

Ground Rules for Hiring Superstars

First, age and background are not relevant. I’ve hired 24-year-olds who have out-sold 20-year veterans. One of my greatest finds came from a stereo store.

Here was an awesome salesperson that might’ve never become the millionaire I helped him become had I not seen the traits he had. Another great find was a salesperson who tried to sell me a sweater in a clothing store.

I snatched her right out of there and she ended up running three divisions of a company I ran. I recently found a 70-year-old man who has the best skills I have ever seen for getting top executives on the telephone.

And he had been a line producer for feature films. So disregard age or background.

Second, you must design your ad to attract this rare animal. My ads begin like this:

 Social Entrepreneurs Example

>Pet owner.

Don’t even call unless you are an overachiever and can prove it.

The ad does not request a resume. The first thing we do is screen calls on the phone. Heres a great way to test a top producer: Line up your candidates for a simple ten minute conversation. Tell them: we talk to candidates for ten minutes to determine if we want to interview them.

When screening calls, I always apologize for being gruff and to the point, explaining that I am overwhelmed with responses; then I say, Tell me why you think you’re a superstar.

I then deliberately act unimpressed and slightly abrasive. If I intimidate them over the phone, I brush them off quickly. A top producer will not be intimidated.

If they cant talk their way into an interview what makes you think they’ll ever talk their way into a client. Save yourself a lot of trouble and get rid of those with weak self esteem right off the bat.

Too often you interview candidates as the nice person you are and it gives them the chance to be nice as well. Then you hire them and find out six months later that they cant close a sale and shy away from the really big sales out of fear (weak self esteem).

With the technique above, you find out early how well they handle rejection. It saves everyone a lot of time and YOU a lot of money.

Social Entrepreneurs Example. Internet Social Entrepreneurship: First Step, Getting Started

 First steps: choosing the business. When I was thinking about starting an internet business there were a few things that were must have requirements.
Social Entrepreneurs Example

Beautiful girl enjoying outdoor with group of little cats and dog. Looking at camera.

The first one was that I needed to be able to get the business to profitability for less than $1600 (100). In practice each site has cost more than that when you figure in the marketing costs needed to get it off the ground quickly.

The silk tie retailing site was set up for less than $300 but when you factor in marketing spend, then I have spent almost $800 per month on marketing, mostly Google Adwords. It is only after month three that I have got close to breaking even.

Anyway, near enough and if you are more patient and make less costly mistakes than me then you should be able to do it for less.

Secondly. The business had to need as little manual work as possible. I am after a business that I can start working part time and as am a management consultant and sell my time by the hour, for me time really is money. I am also not keen on hiring people if I can avoid it.

The internet has the potential to offer some really virtual businesses and I wanted to use this. For this reason as well as start-up costs this means that I do not want to stock or handle any products.

I do a lot of supply chain consulting work so it was obvious to me that I could have a business that used other companies to buy, store and deliver the products.

The easiest way to do this is by using drop-shipping. Drop-shippers are wholesalers that ship individual customer orders direct to your customers.

There is a lot of information on drop-shipping online, however it has to be said that there are some terrible drop-shipping companies where prices are too high or products too common to successful.

Typical of these is the Select which charges a fee to join, but once you join you find that the prices are often higher than they are being sold for on eBay and are widely sold with lots of competition.

Social Entrepreneurs Example

Happy extended family with a dog spending time together at home.

It is very hard to make good money from these sort of drop-shippers. There are however some good companies out there with niche products where achievable margins are good.

The third requirement was that the business needed to have the potential to generate at least $1k per month in profit. That way with a few web businesses it could become my full time job.

I decided that I was not trying to start the next Amazon, instead I was after a good profitable niche. Something not too competitive and with no house-hold names as competitors.

This means that I have not gone into electronics even though it is the area I know the best, it is a very competitive market online and were competition includes Amazon and Dixons. To be successful in electronics you either need to find a niche not served by the big boys or spend serious money to get established.

I then started searching for business ideas. I read the get rich quick newsletters, internet marketing newsletters, internet business forums and drop shipping websites. I searched for dropship suppliers then when I found a product that I thought might be promising, did a search for it and checked out the competition.

If after that it still looked interesting then I did a keyword search on Google AdWords to find out how many clicks I could get and at what cost.

While doing this I came across some sites selling ready-made business websites. Essentially they provide a shop template, a catalogue and a supplier of stock and off you go. These sell for between 50 ($80) and 500 ($800). I wasted a fair bit of money with a couple of false starts.

Social Entrepreneurs Example

Multi ethnic young girls playing with Siberian Husky, in a living room

I bid on a lingerie web business template on eBay with a starting price of 99; my wife was a lingerie merchandiser for Marks & Spencers and so I though she could help, then I saw a gadgets website from the same people and thought I would get that and see if I could find a gadgets niche and bid for that too.

Trouble was I then did some more research and found that lingerie was very competitive online and that the supplier I would be getting had a limited selection of very tarty undies at rather high prices.

I also found that the gadget supplier was the Select and as I have already said they are overpriced. I then found the tie web business and decided this was a better niche where margins really are 60% and bought that one from DpbUK who have been very good.

Unfortunately no one else bid on the two on eBay and I ended up winning them although I no longer wanted them. $300 wasted.

Oops. So do your homework carefully before buying; look carefully at the sample sites and try and find some clues to the suppliers, check the competition out and make sure the margins are high enough.

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In Conclusion: Social Entrepreneurs Example. These abilities are possessed by most if not all of the successful Social Entrepreneurs.

To some these abilities come naturally while others have to acquire them.

If you want to be successful and reach the top, the solution is obvious- possess them if not acquire them.

Please read this entire Blog if you want to learn How To Develop Social Entrepreneurs Business Characteristics.


Social Entrepreneurs Example. ONLINE TRAINING: JOIN John Crestani’s 6-WEEK TRAINING COURSE “How to Build Your Own Affiliate Marketing Business From Nothing…” Send Me The Online Training Now:

Training will be taken down at any time due to High Demand for this product.

I bought this training only 3 weeks ago and I am already getting $500 Sales— Brian M, Sacramento, California.

Affiliate Marketing in conjunction with  well known companies, such as Clickbank, can be very profitable and rewarding. Your payments are guaranteed every 2 weeks and is entirely up to your Marketing Efforts and Abilities on how much you get paid. I also bought into  and highly recommend John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System (SAS) for Affiliates.


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Noel W Schip

About Noel W Schip

Hi! I’m Noel and welcome to my personal blog. Are you ready and prepared to use the Internet and a Computer to change your Finances and Entrepreneurial Ideas and Skills?  Get Your First (Or Next) Funnel Built and LIVE in Just 14 Days for FREE!

I share tips and tricks to help you Make Money Online through Affiliate Marketing, Blogging, Side Hustles and other non-traditional methods that Entrepreneurs use. Learn more. Twitter, Linkdin,  Facebook,  Instagram   YouTube   and

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Girl on a blue background rejoices at her success


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